## /status/syslog/servers//port Use Use to view the port configured for this remote logging server. ### Parameters server_name: Name of server ### Data Key The data key contains the port. #### Data Type uint32 #### Default Data Value 0 ### Default Allowed True ### Request Methods GET, PUT ### Related [REST API Reference - /config/syslog](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/093Rele ase_2.5/250REST_API_Reference_Guide/status/syslog) ### Examples GET curl -b cookie.jar -k GET Response {"httpResponseCode": 404, "internalResponseCode": 101, "message": "Request failed: Unable to retrieve data from controller\n Path: /status/syslog/servers/name/port\n ResponseCode: 101 (Path not found)\n", "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/status/syslog/servers/name/port"} PUT curl -b cookie.jar --data @data.json -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT PUT Response {"httpResponseCode": 200, "requestPath": "/status/syslog/servers/name/port", "recurse":false} 1. /status/syslog/servers//port 1. Parameters 2. Data Key 1. Data Type 2. Default Data Value 3. Default Allowed 4. Request Methods 5. Related 6. Examples